Access Control Installation
No one goes in without the go-ahead from you or the security staff onsite. That’s the power of access control systems. Automatic and manually controlled gates, barricades & more.
Access Control System Installation
How many times have you walked out of your home and forgot your key? Additionally how many times have you locked your car and walked away only to realize your keys are inside? Lastly, how many times have you been in a store and seen someone swipe a special card for a discount? This is where a security system installation with access control systems comes in.
Security solutions such as access control systems are widely used throughout several industries and workplaces in order to control who can come in and out of various buildings, parking lots and garages, and other facilities. If you need an access control system for your building or facility in the Fort Lauderdale, Miami or South Florida area then Soflo Systems has you covered. Our friendly, knowledgeable and expert professional installers can install any access control system you might need.
What Are Access Control Systems?

Security solutions like access control specifically refers to the selective restriction to a specific place, resource or information. In other words, access control systems are systems that allow only certain individuals to access certain places and information. Facilities such as government buildings, large corporations, and mass transportation systems have to have access control systems in place to protect information, technology, and to ensure those using mass transit have purchased a pass. The most common places that regularly utilize security system installation with access control systems include:
- Office Buildings: access control security systems help to control who can access various parts of the building
- Condominiums and Apartments: condos and apartments use access control systems to ensure safety other residents by making residents put in a pin code with a gate at the beginning of the complex or some type of restrictive service
- Commercial Buildings: these buildings need more protection than ever, as these are the buildings that typically house the most people, and they need to make sure that they know who is entering and exiting at all times
- Schools and Universities: these buildings have to be aware of who is coming in and out due to safety issues, therefore an access control system is perfect for these types of institutions
- Banks: we use these types of access control systems all the time without thinking about it., every time we use a debit card or type in a pin of any kinds your options are to go outside or inside with a mask
- Hotels and Motels: all places such as these that house people for any period of time need to have access control systems installed as this is how hotel room cards operate and it allows these places to keep track of who is staying there
- Hospitals and Medical Facilities: all medical facilities have to have access control systems for the safety of both the medical professionals and patients
- Airports: airports all have access control systems in order to keep track of who is traveling in and out of the airport as well as pilots, flight attendants and other staff
- Parking Garages: parking garages need to have access control systems to ensure that those that are supposed to be paying for access
- Warehouses: these warehouses need access control systems in order to be sure where employees are and also how they got in and out of these various warehouses
The benefits of access control systems are great for all different industries. These benefits include peace of mind, increased efficiency, better security, increased awareness, and overall just more visibility of who is coming in and out of your facilities designed by security specialists.
Access Control System Design

Designing various access control systems takes into account what each specific building or facility needs to control and what type of access control security they need.
Some of the most common access control systems that most people routinely use without even considering that they are using an access control system include:
- Swiping your debit card at an ATM and inputting your pin
- Using a key fob to open a door or access a parking garage or building
- Unlocking your phone or computer with a fingerprint or facial recognition
Wireless access control systems are a very popular security solution as well. Many security systems replace your front or back door knob with a knob that also contains a keypad so that you can unlock your doors without the use of a traditional key, but instead a pin that you set. Soflo Systems is very experienced in security system installation, including door access control systems.
Wireless access control systems are also a very commonly used security solution in corporate offices as well as government buildings. Employees and other staff are given identification cards upon hiring and they often have different levels of what they are able to access based on their position within the company. These cards are then deactivated if and when that person’s employment with the company comes to an end.
Additionally there are other access control system designs to accommodate each different type of business needs. These designs include door access control systems paired with video surveillance, testing readers, access cards, key fobs, radio-frequency identification, motion sensors and controllers all designed by security specialists.
Access Control System Installation

Installing access control systems is a fairly simple process. Soflo System’s expert installers will help to secure your property with a powerful wireless access control security system. Fort Lauderdale, Miami and South Florida business owners looking to make their building safer and better protected from theft and vandalism should consider utilizing access control security.
Soflo System’s various access control system options include incorporating an access card, key fob readers, door entry systems, and more access control security systems as well. Our access control system specialists are readily available to answer questions and help you to decide which system will work best for your security needs.
Access Control System Integration

Integrating your access control system with any other security measures you may have taken is an important step in securing your property overall. At Soflo Systems we know exactly how to integrate your door access control system with any other security system you may have. Installing an access control system will ensure that only the people who should have access to your business can access it.
Many employees express that they feel safer and more secure when working in an environment with an access control system. Additionally your door access control system will allow you to keep track of any suspicious entry into your business as well.
Access Control System Support & Repair

Soflo Systems will take care of the support and repair of your access control system to make sure that all parts are functioning correctly. If at any time something isn’t working properly, simply notify one of our expert installer technicians and we will come out and repair it for you.
If at any point you have questions regarding your access control system and how it works or need any support of any kind, Soflo Systems is here for you.
Overall access control systems are widely used amongst several industries to keep their buildings and employees safe and secure. As security continues to be a growing concern for companies across the country, Soflo Systems aims to keep protection of our customers our top priority